

邢建赛卿毕业于华东政法大学。主要执业领域为刑事辩护业务,商事争议解决以及公司法律服务,包括刑事风险识别与评估,企业合规及危机处置等。此外,邢建赛卿律师在不良资产处置、民商事执行业务等方面也具有丰富的经验。 邢建赛卿律师从事法律行业十余年,同时拥有基金从业资格,曾担任某私募基金合规部负责人。 在刑事辩护领域,邢建赛卿律师尤为擅长处理重大、疑难的金融商事以及刑民结合案件,办理的众多刑事案件也均取得了良好的辩护效果。 邢建赛卿律师所服务的客户涵盖事业单位、大型互联网企业及民营企业,长期为企业客户提供常年法律顾问服务,其在企业刑事风险防控、合规体系建立等领域也具有丰富经验。此外,邢建赛卿律师还曾先后为多家金融集团、实业集团及私募基金提供法律服务,为广发银行、长城资产(AMC)、鼎晖资本、讴特资产、济钢集团提供不良资产处置服务,处理不良资产规模超数十亿。 代表业绩: ■ 担任上海某区政府采购中心常年法律顾问 ■ 为其他多家金融机构、房地产公司提供法律支持,协助企业与公安机关进行沟通、提供法律意见,涉刑事宜提供综合性应对及解决方案,针对具体情况提供内部调查等 ■ 为民营企业家孟丙祥提供刑事辩护服务,通过再审申诉为孟丙祥逃税案取得重审机会,并成功取得“判决无罪”的结果,该“孟丙祥逃税再审改判无罪案”亦被最高人民法院作为指导案例发布,认定为民营企业产权和企业家合法权益保护再审典型案例 ■ 为某网络公司涉嫌诈骗案提供刑事辩护服务,成功使公安机关撤销案件 ■ 为某某涉嫌职务侵占案(涉案资金为300万元)提供刑事辩护服务,在审查起诉阶段成功取得不起诉决定的结果 ■ 为某某涉嫌虚开增值税发票案提供刑事辩护服务,在审查起诉阶段成功取得不起诉决定的结果 ■ 为陈某某涉嫌袭警案提供刑事辩护服务,在审查起诉阶段成功取得不起诉决定的结果 ■ 在某金融公司700亿集资诈骗案中担任副总裁的辩护人,最终为其争取得从轻、减轻的结果,获6年6个月刑期 ■ 办理了其他各公安机关撤回案件、检察院决定不起诉以及法院判处缓刑的案件 ■ 为某某因吸毒而受行政处罚案提供行政诉讼代理服务,最终成功取得撤销处罚的决定结果 ■ 为某某因酒驾而受行政处罚案提供行政诉讼代理服务,最终成功取得从轻处罚以及和解的结果 ■ 在办理、处置济钢集团不良资产项目中,主动发现执行分配错误以及再审申诉空间,通过再审申诉成功取得改判结果,实现资产重新分配,为当事人争取到全部数百万利益 ■ 曾承办多起上海市黄浦区、虹口区的拆迁安置纠纷案,均取得良好的代理效果 ■ 曾承办多件劳动争议案件,尤为擅长处理竞业限制领域的劳动争议案件,致力于实现保护劳动者合法权益 社会活动: 担任上海市长宁区第三届青年律师联合会委员 Area of Expertise:Criminal Defense, Disputes Resolution,Commercial and Trade Xingjian Saiqing graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law. His main areas of practice are criminal defense, Dispute resolution & Commercial and Trade, including commercial and corporate crime, white-collar crime, regulatory compliance. In addition, Lawyer Xingjian also has rich experience in investigations, compliance & ethics. Lawyer Xingjian has been engaged in the legal industry for more than 10 years, PQE to practice funds, and served as the head of the compliance department of a private equity fund. In the field of criminal defense, lawyer Xingjian is especially good at handling major and difficult financial, commercial, criminal and civil cases. He has handled many criminal cases that have achieved excellent defense results. The clients lawyer Xingjian has served range from public institutions, large Internet enterprises & private enterprises. He provides perennial legal counsel services for corporate clients. He has rich experience in the fields of criminal risk prevention & control of enterprise, compliance system establishment, etc. In addition, lawyer Xingjian has also provided legal services for a number of financial groups, industrial groups and private equity funds, & provided non-performing asset disposal services for China Guangfa Bank, Great Wall Assets (AMC), CDH Capital, Aute Assets , Jinan Iron & Steel Group The scale of non-performing asset he has dealt with has been more than billions. Representative Legal Matters: ■ Advised on District Government Procurement Centre in Shanghai. ■ Advised on financial institutions & real estate companies in China ;, also provided legal audit and investigations. ■ Criminal defense for Mengbingxiang, a private entrepreneur, Succeeded not guilty plea for Mengbingxiang’s tax evasion case, which released by the Supreme People's Court as one of 2023 guiding & typical case . ■ Criminal defense for one famous internet company relating a fraud case and succeeded in getting withdrawal of the case from the public security authority. ■ Criminal defense for the case of suspected embezzlement (the involved funds 3M yuan) and succeeded in obtaining the result of the decision not to be prosecuted at the stage of reviewing the indictment. ■ Criminal defense for the case of false value added tax invoice and achieved a non-prosecution decision during the review & prosecution stage. ■ Criminal defense for Chen’s suspected assault on police and achieved the decision that not to prosecute at the review and prosecution stage. ■ Served as the defender for one financial company VP fundraising fraud case involved in RMB 70 billion and succeeded in a lenient sentence. ■ Handled many cases and succeeded the public security authority withdrew, the procuratorate decided not to prosecute and the court sentenced to probation. ■ Handled administrative punishment case relating drug abuse, and succeeded revoking the punishment. ■ Handled administrative litigation relating cases involving administrative penalties against drunk driving & succeeded in achieving a lighter punishment & settlement. ■ Disposed of the non-performing assets for Jigang Group.Succeed retrial appeals, obtained revised judgments and achieved asset redistribution. ■ Handled tons of cases on Demolition & Relocation disputes in Huangpu and Hongkou district in Shanghai and achieved excellent results. ■ Handled many labour dispute cases. Especially being expert at the labour dispute in the field ofnon-compete agreement. Society Achievement: Member of the third Youth Lawyer Federation Committee in Changning district, Shanghai.
  • 刑事辩护
  • 取保候审
  • 网络法律
  • 劳动纠纷
  • 法律顾问
    • 邢建赛卿

    • 华东政法大学

    • 本科/学士及同等学历

    • 群众

    • 律师

    • 1310120********20

    • 6年

    • 上海普世万联律师事务所

    • 00:00-23:59

    • xingjiansaiqing@outlook.com

    • 上海市长宁区

邢建赛卿毕业于华东政法大学。主要执业领域为刑事辩护业务,商事争议解决以及公司法律服务,包括刑事风险识别与评估,企业合规及... 查看详细 >>
  • 执业地区:上海-长宁区
  • 执业单位:上海普世万联律师事务所
  • 执业证号:1310120********20
  • 擅长领域:刑事辩护、取保候审、网络法律、劳动纠纷、法律顾问